Introduction to the thematic nodes of IDIS
This website is dedicated to the thematic field of Atmospheres as part of the Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) developed during the EUROPlaNet Projects FP6 and FP7. In General the IDIS System is divided into five thematic nodes and one technical top node.
The EuroPlaNet IDIS thematic science node about atmospheres is hosted by the Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (OVSQ) of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) and is established in close cooperation with the Laboratoire Atmosphère, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS) (ex Service d'Aeronomie).
The five EuroPlaNet IDIS thematic science nodes (Planetary Surfaces and Interiors, Atmospheres, Plasma Science, Small Bodies and Planetary Dynamics) are dedicated to open a web window to the status of solar system research and provide an effective information management system for scientists and interested persons about solar system knowledge, databases and scientific tools.
The main aim of the Atmospheres Node will be to:
- support collaborative work in the field of Atmospheres;
- provide information about databases and scientific tools in this field;
- establish a scientific information management;
- define and develop Science Cases.
These are the specific science cases related to Atmospheres:
- Science Case 2.1 : Titan Ion Chemistry
- Science Case 2.2 : Methane Spectroscopy
- Science Case 2.3 : Mars Global Climate
- Science Case 2.4 : Venus Super-rotation
- Science Case 2.5 : Titan & Its Tholins
- Science Case 2.6 : Martian Climatic Cycles
- Science Case 2.7 : Martian Aerosols
Contact addresses for this IDIS node are:
   Alain Sarkissian: alain.sarkissian@latmos.ipsl.fr
   11, boulevard d'Alembert
   F-78280 GUYANCOURT, France

IPDA 2013
The IPDA (International Planetary Data Alliance) meeting 2013 will take place at the CNES office in Paris, France 16 – 18 July 2013.
EPSC 2012
The EPSC (European Planetary Science Congress) 2012 will take place at the IFEMA-Feria de Madrid, Spain 23 – 28 September 2012.
The 39th scientific assembly of the COmmittee on SPAce Research will take place from 14 to 22 July 2012 in Global Education Centre 2 Infosys Training Centre Mysore, Karnataka India.