This website is dedicated to the thematic field of Plasma Physics as part of the Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) developed during the EUROPlaNet Project. In General the IDIS System is divided into five thematic nodes and one technical node. All nodes can be reached via the top menu.
This thematic node is hosted by the IWF Graz and is established in close cooperation with CDPP Toulouse, which also takes part to the EUROPlaNet Project.
Here you can find a list of potential participants at the Plasma Node: (Details)
The main Aims of the Plasma Node will be to:
A listing of the Node's responsible areas can be found here: (Details)
There are three "side-projects" running in the focus of Plasma Node:
A Summary of the overall EuroPlaNet Aims can be found here: (Details)
The Development of IDIS into an international research support environment is supported by the European Commission's 7th Framework Program, Europlanet Research Infrastructure, grant agreement 228319, as part of the Capacities Specific Programme / Research Infrastructures.
Further Information available online
Updated Publications & Talks and added new datasets for AMDA in the DATA section
Further Information available online