Resources for 'Plasmas' Node (77)

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Short Name | Brief description | Type | Location (lab/institute) | Responsible |
AARI - Department of Geophysics | Includes laboratory of magnetospheric phenomena, laboratory of ionospheric phenomena and laboratory of radio-wave propagation. | DATA/Observational | AARI | |
ACE – Advanced Composition Explorer | Real Time Solar Wind data. | DATA/Observational | ||
AMDA | Automated Multi-Dataset analysis tool | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | IRAP | Jacquey |
BASS2000 web-catalogue | Solar data base of ground based observations | DATA/Observational | OBSPARIS | |
Cassini MAPS Key Parameters | This site provides access to Key Parameter data collected at Saturn by the MAPS instruments on NASA's Cassini spacecraft. | DATA/Observational | IRAP | Pallier |
Cassini mapskp | Cassini MAPS (Magnetosphere And Plasma Science) Key Parameters database | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | IRAP | Pallier |
CASSINI Spacecraft Attitude caculation tool. | Interactive caculation tool | DATA/Ephemeris & Attitude | ||
Cassini, Galileo, and Voyager ephemeris calculation tool. | Interactive ephemeris caculation tool | DATA/Ephemeris & Attitude | ||
CDAWEB (Coordinated Data Analysis Web) | Public Database System (Mission Data) with interactive tools | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
CDPP | Data from the CDPP (Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas) | DATA/Repository | IRAP | Jacquey |
Cluster Active Archive (CAA) | The CAA is a depository of processed and validated high-resolution Cluster data, raw data, processing software, calibration data | DATA/Observational | ESA | |
Coordinated Solar Observations homepage | Current Solar Data and Worldwide Observing Plans | DATA/Observational | ||
DEMETER data server | DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) | DATA/Observational | CNRS | |
FAST (Fast Auroral SnapshoT Explorer) mission description | FAST, the second mission in NASA's Small Explorer Satellite Program (SMEX), is a satellite designed to study Earth's aurora. | DATA/Observational | UCB | |
Galileo Data - Energetic Particles Detector (EPD) | EPD measures the detailed energy and angual distribution of ions, electrons and ion composition | DATA/Observational | JHU/APL | |
GAPHYOR | GAPHYOR is a databse on the properties of atoms, molecules, gases and plasmas (including chem. reactions). | DATA/Laboratory | ||
GIMA - Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array | The Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska operates magnetometer sites at locations across Alaska and Western Canada | DATA/Observational | GI - UAF | |
IAS Data Center - Solar archive | IAS-MEDOC solar data archive, allowing searches on the data from SOHO, TRACE and CORONAS/SPIRIT | DATA/Observational | CNES | |
IMAGE (International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects) | IMAGE consists of 30 magnetometer stations maintained by 10 institutes from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. | DATA/Observational | FMI | |
Interball Data Archive | Interball Mission Data including raw data, orbit and attitude data files and key physical parameters | DATA/Observational | ||
International Space Environment Service (ISES) | provides near-real-time international monitoring and prediction of the space environment. | DATA/Observational | ||
JRA3 ICPM&DAT | Interactive Catalogue for Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | IWF-OEAW | Khodachenko |
KHASSM - Kharkov multi-wave station of solar monitoring | Realtime Solar Activity and Space Weather | DATA/Observational | ||
Kiruna magnetogram | View of geomagnetic development in real time | DATA/Observational | IRF | |
MTOF Proton Monitor | This homepage dynamicaly prints the latest 48 hours of solar wind data, collected by the MTOF Proton Monitor at the SOHO Spacecraft. | DATA/Observational | ||
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) | Site map of the homepage including data archives, libraries, software, technical informations and educational material. | DATA/Observational | ||
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) | Data Center hosted by Nasa provides a big collection of resources including several virtual observatories, image archives, astrophysics data | DATA/Repository | GSFC | |
Omniweb Data center | Large Solar Wind data archive from 15 geocentric spacecraft and 3 spacecraft | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA) | Homepage including instruments descriptions and according data archives, software and publications. | DATA/Observational | ||
PDS (Planetary Data System) | The PDS is an archive of data products from NASA planetary missions. | DATA/Repository | GSFC | |
PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions Node (PPI) | PPI archives and ditributes digital data related to the study of the interaction between the solar wind with planetary magnetospheres,.. | DATA/Observational | JPL | |
PICSim | PICSim planetary magnetosphere model | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | UCL | |
PMM | Paraboloid Model of the magnetosphere | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | SINP | |
Polar MFE Data Server | High Resolution Plots hosted by UCLA IGPP | DATA/Observational | IGPP | |
POLAR mission description by NASA | POLAR investigates the earths magnetosphere above its poles | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
SAMNET - The UK Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network | SAMNET is operated by the Space Plasma Environment and Radio Science (SPEARS) Group in the Department of Communication Systems at the Lancas | DATA/Observational | ||
SID Data Access | Actual space weather monitor located at the Stanford Solar Center. | DATA/Observational | ||
SIDC (Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre) | Latest Space Weather Data | DATA/Observational | ROB | |
SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) - DATA | International Cooperation between NASA and ESA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind. | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
SOHO LASCO - CME Catalog | Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment, Catalog of all CMEs measured, maintained by the CDAW Data Center | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | GSFC | |
SOHO Space Weather | Latest data from the SOHO spacecraft located directly at the official nasa project website. | DATA/Observational | ||
Solar Data Analysis Center | Most recent, full-resolution solar images in all four wavelenghts | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
Solar Data Archives | Solar Data Archives link list collected by the Solar Physics Division which is part of the University of Montana. | DATA/Observational | ||
Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre (SIDC) | Research group for solar physics at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | ||
Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) latest images | SMEI on Coriolis satellite is designed to detect,track and forecast the arrival of CMEs at Earth | DATA/Observational | ||
SOLARSOFT | Software for Solar Physics | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | ||
SOLRA (SOLar Radio Archive) | Near Real-Time Radio Data, Coronal Radio Surveillance | DATA/Observational | INAF | |
Soonspot Searcher | SOONSPOT stands for SOON Solar Patrol on Tape | DATA/Observational | ||
Space Environment Centre (SEC) | general website hosted by NOAA - National Weather Service. | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | ||
Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR) | SPIDR allows users to access and manage historical space physics data for integration with environment models and space weather forecasts. | DATA/Observational | ||
Space Weather Modelling Framework (CSEM) | provides a high-performance flexible framework for physics-based space weather simulations, as well as for various space physics applicatio | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | ||
Space Weather Now | provides actual Space Weather Information (Solar Wind, Auroraes) around earth and refreshes its data every minute. This service is hosted by | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | ||
SPDF (Space Physics Data Facilitiy) | The SPDF is a project of the Heliospheric Physics Laboratory | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | GSFC | |
SPENVIS - Space Environment Information System | SPENVIS is a web-interface to models of the space environment and its effects | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | ESA | |
SPINE | Spacecraft Plasma Interactions Network in Europe (SPINE) | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | ESA | |
SPIS | SPIS, the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction System | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | ESA | |
Stanford SOLAR Center | Solar Spacecraft and Telescopes link list | SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space Mission | SRI | |
STEREO - SWAVES instrumentation | Homepage dedicated to the SWAVES instrumentation, designed to measure Radio Bursts from Sun. | SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space Mission | GSFC | |
STEREO Mission homepage by NASA | STEREO consists of two space-based observatories - one ahead of Earth in its orbit, the other trailing behind. | SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space Mission | GSFC | |
SWENET Service | DST and AE forecast models | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | IFSI | |
The Circum-Pan Pacific Magnetometer Network (CPMN) | The CPMN is in the transition to new realtime magnetometer network, called | DATA/Observational | SERC | |
TRACE flare catalog | Detailed catalog of X and M flares from 1998 to 2007, and C flares between 1998 and 2002. | TOOLS for data Analysis or Access | CFA | |
TRACE image catalog | Image catalog of the TRACE mission including different wavelengths for given timeframes | DATA/Observational | UCB | |
TRACE image catalog by RAL | Image catalog of the TRACE mission including different wavelengths for given timeframes hosted by UKSSDC Solar Archive | DATA/Observational | UCL | |
TRACE mission overview by NASA | NASA mission to image the solar corona and transition region at high angular and temporal resolution. | SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space Mission | GSFC | |
TRACE movie archive | Big movie archive from TRACE mission including DVD-Images, clips from active regions, quiet regions, filaments and big flares | DATA/Observational | UCB | |
UCL Magnetodisc Model | UCL Magnetodisc Model for Giant Planets | DATA/Modeling & Simulation | UCL | Achilleos |
Ulysses / URAP Data Access | Datacenter for ULYSSES mission Unified Radio And Plasma (URAP) Experiment, Dynamic Spectra | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
Ulysses Data at NSSDC Master Catalog | Summary of all Project/Datacenter homepages related to the ULYSSES mission | SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space Mission | GSFC | |
Ulysses Data System | ESA archive for Ulysses Data - on-line facility for browsing and downloading selected measurements from all instruments | DATA/Observational | ESA | |
VEX (Venus Express) magnetometer data | VEX-MAG is a space qualified magnetometer with two fluxgate sensors to measure the magnetic field magnitude and its direction. | DATA/Observational | IWF-OEAW | |
VSO (Virtual Solar Observatory) | Solar Physics Data Products | DATA/Observational | SRI | |
WIND - SWE data | FTP server with data from WINDs - Solar Wind Experiment | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
WIND - WAVES instrumentation | Homepage dedicated to the WAVES (The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation) Instrumentation of WIND | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
WIND NRT data | Near Real-Time (NRT) data for the WIND mission automatically processed and provided. (link to plots) | DATA/Observational | GSFC | |
World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Copenhagen | The WDC has collected a comprehensive set of analog and digital geomagnetic data as well as indices of geomagnetic activity supplied from a | DATA/Repository | DMI | |
World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto | The WDC has collected a comprehensive set of analog and digital geomagnetic data as well as indices of geomagnetic activity supplied from a | DATA/Repository | SWDC |