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Resources for 'Plasmas' Node (77)



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Short NameBrief descriptionType
Location (lab/institute)
AARI - Department of GeophysicsIncludes laboratory of magnetospheric phenomena, laboratory of ionospheric phenomena and laboratory of radio-wave propagation. DATA/ObservationalAARI
ACE – Advanced Composition ExplorerReal Time Solar Wind data. DATA/Observational
AMDAAutomated Multi-Dataset analysis tool TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessIRAPJacquey
BASS2000 web-catalogueSolar data base of ground based observations DATA/ObservationalOBSPARIS
Cassini MAPS Key ParametersThis site provides access to Key Parameter data collected at Saturn by the MAPS instruments on NASA's Cassini spacecraft. DATA/ObservationalIRAPPallier
Cassini mapskpCassini MAPS (Magnetosphere And Plasma Science) Key Parameters database TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessIRAPPallier
CASSINI Spacecraft Attitude caculation tool.Interactive caculation tool DATA/Ephemeris & Attitude
Cassini, Galileo, and Voyager ephemeris calculation tool.Interactive ephemeris caculation tool DATA/Ephemeris & Attitude
CDAWEB (Coordinated Data Analysis Web)Public Database System (Mission Data) with interactive tools DATA/ObservationalGSFC
CDPPData from the CDPP (Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas) DATA/RepositoryIRAPJacquey
Cluster Active Archive (CAA)The CAA is a depository of processed and validated high-resolution Cluster data, raw data, processing software, calibration data DATA/ObservationalESA
Coordinated Solar Observations homepageCurrent Solar Data and Worldwide Observing Plans DATA/Observational
DEMETER data serverDEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) DATA/ObservationalCNRS
FAST (Fast Auroral SnapshoT Explorer) mission descriptionFAST, the second mission in NASA's Small Explorer Satellite Program (SMEX), is a satellite designed to study Earth's aurora. DATA/ObservationalUCB
Galileo Data - Energetic Particles Detector (EPD)EPD measures the detailed energy and angual distribution of ions, electrons and ion composition DATA/ObservationalJHU/APL
GAPHYORGAPHYOR is a databse on the properties of atoms, molecules, gases and plasmas (including chem. reactions). DATA/Laboratory
GIMA - Geophysical Institute Magnetometer ArrayThe Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska operates magnetometer sites at locations across Alaska and Western Canada DATA/ObservationalGI - UAF
IAS Data Center - Solar archiveIAS-MEDOC solar data archive, allowing searches on the data from SOHO, TRACE and CORONAS/SPIRIT DATA/ObservationalCNES
IMAGE (International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects)IMAGE consists of 30 magnetometer stations maintained by 10 institutes from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. DATA/ObservationalFMI
Interball Data ArchiveInterball Mission Data including raw data, orbit and attitude data files and key physical parameters DATA/Observational
International Space Environment Service (ISES)provides near-real-time international monitoring and prediction of the space environment. DATA/Observational
JRA3 ICPM&DATInteractive Catalogue for Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools DATA/Modeling & SimulationIWF-OEAWKhodachenko
KHASSM - Kharkov multi-wave station of solar monitoringRealtime Solar Activity and Space Weather DATA/Observational
Kiruna magnetogramView of geomagnetic development in real time DATA/ObservationalIRF
MTOF Proton MonitorThis homepage dynamicaly prints the latest 48 hours of solar wind data, collected by the MTOF Proton Monitor at the SOHO Spacecraft. DATA/Observational
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)Site map of the homepage including data archives, libraries, software, technical informations and educational material. DATA/Observational
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)Data Center hosted by Nasa provides a big collection of resources including several virtual observatories, image archives, astrophysics data DATA/RepositoryGSFC
Omniweb Data centerLarge Solar Wind data archive from 15 geocentric spacecraft and 3 spacecraft DATA/ObservationalGSFC
Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA)Homepage including instruments descriptions and according data archives, software and publications. DATA/Observational
PDS (Planetary Data System)The PDS is an archive of data products from NASA planetary missions. DATA/RepositoryGSFC
PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions Node (PPI)PPI archives and ditributes digital data related to the study of the interaction between the solar wind with planetary magnetospheres,.. DATA/ObservationalJPL
PICSimPICSim planetary magnetosphere model DATA/Modeling & SimulationUCL
PMMParaboloid Model of the magnetosphere DATA/Modeling & SimulationSINP
Polar MFE Data ServerHigh Resolution Plots hosted by UCLA IGPP DATA/ObservationalIGPP
POLAR mission description by NASAPOLAR investigates the earths magnetosphere above its poles DATA/ObservationalGSFC
SAMNET - The UK Sub-Auroral Magnetometer NetworkSAMNET is operated by the Space Plasma Environment and Radio Science (SPEARS) Group in the Department of Communication Systems at the Lancas DATA/Observational
SID Data AccessActual space weather monitor located at the Stanford Solar Center. DATA/Observational
SIDC (Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre)Latest Space Weather Data DATA/ObservationalROB
SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) - DATAInternational Cooperation between NASA and ESA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind. DATA/ObservationalGSFC
SOHO LASCO - CME CatalogLarge Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment, Catalog of all CMEs measured, maintained by the CDAW Data Center TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessGSFC
SOHO Space WeatherLatest data from the SOHO spacecraft located directly at the official nasa project website. DATA/Observational
Solar Data Analysis CenterMost recent, full-resolution solar images in all four wavelenghts DATA/ObservationalGSFC
Solar Data ArchivesSolar Data Archives link list collected by the Solar Physics Division which is part of the University of Montana. DATA/Observational
Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre (SIDC)Research group for solar physics at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. TOOLS for data Analysis or Access
Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) latest imagesSMEI on Coriolis satellite is designed to detect,track and forecast the arrival of CMEs at Earth DATA/Observational
SOLARSOFTSoftware for Solar Physics TOOLS for data Analysis or Access
SOLRA (SOLar Radio Archive)Near Real-Time Radio Data, Coronal Radio Surveillance DATA/ObservationalINAF
Soonspot SearcherSOONSPOT stands for SOON Solar Patrol on Tape DATA/Observational
Space Environment Centre (SEC)general website hosted by NOAA - National Weather Service. DATA/Modeling & Simulation
Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR)SPIDR allows users to access and manage historical space physics data for integration with environment models and space weather forecasts. DATA/Observational
Space Weather Modelling Framework (CSEM)provides a high-performance flexible framework for physics-based space weather simulations, as well as for various space physics applicatio TOOLS for data Analysis or Access
Space Weather Nowprovides actual Space Weather Information (Solar Wind, Auroraes) around earth and refreshes its data every minute. This service is hosted by DATA/Modeling & Simulation
SPDF (Space Physics Data Facilitiy)The SPDF is a project of the Heliospheric Physics Laboratory TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessGSFC
SPENVIS - Space Environment Information SystemSPENVIS is a web-interface to models of the space environment and its effects TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessESA
SPINESpacecraft Plasma Interactions Network in Europe (SPINE) TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessESA
SPISSPIS, the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction System TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessESA
Stanford SOLAR CenterSolar Spacecraft and Telescopes link list SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space MissionSRI
STEREO - SWAVES instrumentationHomepage dedicated to the SWAVES instrumentation, designed to measure Radio Bursts from Sun. SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space MissionGSFC
STEREO Mission homepage by NASASTEREO consists of two space-based observatories - one ahead of Earth in its orbit, the other trailing behind. SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space MissionGSFC
SWENET ServiceDST and AE forecast models DATA/Modeling & SimulationIFSI
The Circum-Pan Pacific Magnetometer Network (CPMN)The CPMN is in the transition to new realtime magnetometer network, called DATA/ObservationalSERC
TRACE flare catalogDetailed catalog of X and M flares from 1998 to 2007, and C flares between 1998 and 2002. TOOLS for data Analysis or AccessCFA
TRACE image catalogImage catalog of the TRACE mission including different wavelengths for given timeframes DATA/ObservationalUCB
TRACE image catalog by RALImage catalog of the TRACE mission including different wavelengths for given timeframes hosted by UKSSDC Solar Archive DATA/ObservationalUCL
TRACE mission overview by NASANASA mission to image the solar corona and transition region at high angular and temporal resolution. SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space MissionGSFC
TRACE movie archiveBig movie archive from TRACE mission including DVD-Images, clips from active regions, quiet regions, filaments and big flares DATA/ObservationalUCB
UCL Magnetodisc ModelUCL Magnetodisc Model for Giant Planets DATA/Modeling & SimulationUCLAchilleos
Ulysses / URAP Data AccessDatacenter for ULYSSES mission Unified Radio And Plasma (URAP) Experiment, Dynamic Spectra DATA/ObservationalGSFC
Ulysses Data at NSSDC Master CatalogSummary of all Project/Datacenter homepages related to the ULYSSES mission SUPPORT INFORMATION on Space MissionGSFC
Ulysses Data SystemESA archive for Ulysses Data - on-line facility for browsing and downloading selected measurements from all instruments DATA/ObservationalESA
VEX (Venus Express) magnetometer dataVEX-MAG is a space qualified magnetometer with two fluxgate sensors to measure the magnetic field magnitude and its direction. DATA/ObservationalIWF-OEAW
VSO (Virtual Solar Observatory)Solar Physics Data Products DATA/ObservationalSRI
WIND - SWE dataFTP server with data from WINDs - Solar Wind Experiment DATA/ObservationalGSFC
WIND - WAVES instrumentationHomepage dedicated to the WAVES (The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation) Instrumentation of WIND DATA/ObservationalGSFC
WIND NRT dataNear Real-Time (NRT) data for the WIND mission automatically processed and provided. (link to plots) DATA/ObservationalGSFC
World Data Center for Geomagnetism, CopenhagenThe WDC has collected a comprehensive set of analog and digital geomagnetic data as well as indices of geomagnetic activity supplied from a DATA/RepositoryDMI
World Data Center for Geomagnetism, KyotoThe WDC has collected a comprehensive set of analog and digital geomagnetic data as well as indices of geomagnetic activity supplied from a DATA/RepositorySWDC
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