- Science fields which are covered by the Plasma Node and Listing of Science Experts contacts:
- Solar and interplanetary space physics
- Planetary magnetospheric physics
- Planetary atmospheric physics
- Solid surfaces experiments and analysis
- Exoplanets and planetary evolution
- Astronomy in general (e.g. shocks, cosmic rays, stellar magnetism ...)
- Space Weather (this field is broader than space plasma physics)
- Plasma Node Science Team:
- SC 3.4 External Science Experts: (Planets at extreme conditions)
- SC 3.1 External Science Experts: (Solar wind interaction with Jupiter and Saturn aurorae)
- Elena Belenskaya, elena(at)dec1.sinp.msu.ru
- Renee Prangee, renee.prangee(at)obspm.fr
- Denis Groden, d.grodent(at)ulg.ac.be
- Stan Cowley, swhc1(at)ion.le.ac.uk
- Joachim Saur, saur(at)geo.uni-koeln.de
- Tom Stallard, tss(at)ion.le.ac.uk
- Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, gbr(at)mssl.ucl.ac.uk
- Kenneth Hansen, kenhan(at)umich.edu
- Laurent Lamy, laurent.lamy(at)obspm.fr
- Emma Bunce, ejb10(at)ion.le.ac.uk
- William Kurt, wsk(at)space.physics.uiowa.edu
- SC 3.2 External Science Experts: (Internally driven exlectrodynamic phenomena in giant planets magneto-plasmas)
- Geraint Jones, MSSL/UCL (UK), ghj(at)mssl.ucl.ac.uk
- Joachim Saur, Cologne University (Germany), saur(at)geo.uni-koeln.de
- Khrishan Khurana, UCLA (USA), kkhurana(at)igpp.ucla.edu
- Elias Roussos, MPS/MPI (Germany), roussos(at)mps.mpg.de
- Carol Paty, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), carol.paty(at)eas.gatech.edu
- Ed Sittler, NASA/GSFC (USA), Edward.C.Sittler(at)nasa.gov
- Thomas Chust, LPP (France),
- Thomas.chust(at)lpp.polytechnique.edu
- Chris Paranicas, APL/JHU (USA), chris.paranicas(at)jhuapl.edu
- Philippe Zarka, Observatoire Paris Meudon (France), philippe.zarka(at)obspm.fr
- SC 3.3 External Science Experts: (Investigation of the interaction of magnetospheric plasma with icy moons in the Saturnian system and other giant planet systems
- Objects and Missions which are covered by the Plasma Node:
- All planets in general + a few other solar bodies (comets, asteroids, moons, ... )
- Comets (Rosetta - Churyumov Gerasimenko; Holmes; Giotto - Halley)
- Earth ionosphere (EISCAT)
- Earth radiation belts (Demeter)
- Cassini (Saturn, Titan, Saturnian moons)
- Stereo (Sun and Heliosphere, Solar Wind) Cluster (terrestrial Magnetosphere)
- Themis and Artemis (terrestrial Magnetosphere, Moon)
- Venus- / Mars-Express (Venus, Mars)
- Bepicolombo (Mercury and Mercurian Magnetosphere)
- Ulysses (Sun and Heliosphere, Solar Wind)
- Wind (Solar Wind)
- Soho (Sun and Solar Wind)
- Ace (Solar Wind)
- Trace (Sun)
- Laboratory types which are interesting for the Plasma Node:
- Computing and Data Analysis ressources
- Databases which are accessible via Plasma Node:
- All plasma related dataset measured by current and recent space missions available via AMDA as well as the full CDPP archive.
- Planetary plasma data (e.g. Cassini MAPSKP at CESR, VEX/MAG in Graz, VEX/ASPERA, MEX/ASPERA)
- Magnetospheric plasmadata (including CDAweb, THEMIS (mirror base at CDPP), Cluster)
- Solar wind data (e.g. STEREO, Ulysses) Radar data (EISCAT)
- Geomagnetic indices
- Virtual Observatories which are reachable via Plasma Node:
- Helio VSPO (Virtual Space Physics Observatory)
- VMO (Virtual Magnetospheric Observatory)
- VSO (Virtual Solar Observatory)
- IVOA: An implementation of IVOA standards could provide the possibility to get access to IVOA tools like ALADIN
- Model types which are related to the Plasma Node's science work:
- Numerical simulators of Solar-/Stellar-Winds
- Planetary Magnetospheres
- Planetary Atmospheres (Mars, Venus, GSM)
- Sliding Window Fourier and Wigner-Ville Data Analysis algorithms