Plasma Node / EuroPlaNet - Development WIKI:
(Hosted by IWF Graz)
EUROPlaNet-RI Management homepage:
(Hosted by CESR Toulouse)
EUROPlaNet FP6 Management homepage:
(Hosted by CESR Toulouse)
IDIS FP6 Inventory of Resources:
AMDA v1.0 (Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis Tool:
(Hosted by CDPP Toulouse) (password-protected login)
access can be obtained by mailing to: amda(at)
SPASE (Space Physics Archive Search and Extract) datamodel for scientific data systems:
(partly adopted for IDIS)
IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance) Virtual Observatory Table definitions:
(party adopted for IDIS)
EGSO (European Grid of Solar Observations):
(User Science Requirements partly adopted by IDIS)