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Mercury Data available at AMDA

Following data is available for the complete functionality of AMDA for the Mercury Environment:

Stable Version:

  • Messenger ephemeris data for the Venus flyby (04/06/2007-07/06/2007), the three Mercury flybys (12/01/2008-27/01/2008, 04/10/2008-09/10/2008, 27/09/2009-02/10/2009) as well as the orbital phase (23/03/2011-18/09/2011) from NASA/PDS
  • MESSENGER FIPS spectrogram (20/08/2008-17/09/2011) from NASA/PDS 
  • Messenger MAG magnetic field data for for the Venus flyby (04/06/2007-07/06/2007), the three Mercury flybys (12/01/2008-27/01/2008, 04/10/2008-09/10/2008, 27/09/2009-02/10/2009) as well as the orbital phase (23/03/2011-18/05/2011) from NASA/PDS

Prototype Version:


In Development:
