The most recent IDIS SA reports starting with the year 2010 can now be found at the Technical Node of IDIS:
IDIS SA bi-monthly report No.5: Report_IDIS-SA_5_2009.pdf
Plasma Node Report PM9-10 (September, October 2009): IWF and CDPP
- Integration of VEX MAG 2008 Data into AMDA, will be fully available for public in January 2010
- Comment and Feedback box available at the Plasma Node homepage
- Telecon for preperational work for EPSC 2009 at Potsdam
- Contributions to several sessions at EPSC 2009 in Potsdam (4 oral + 2 posters)
- Preparation of the general IDIS presentations for the IDIS splinter meeting at EPSC 2009 in Potsdam
- Regular attendance and demonstration of IDIS activities at the IDIS stand during the EPSC 2009 week
- IWF Internal Plasma Node meetings: 17.9.2009, 22.9.2009, 5.10.2009, 19.10.2009
- Purchase of a new Communication Tool "Citrix GoToMeeting" to improve information exchange (10.10.2009)
- Submission of a refereed paper for the ESLAB 09 special issue on ?Comparative Planetology: Earth, Mars, Venus?
An interoperable web-based service offered through the EuroPlaNet/IDIS Plasma Node usable for planetary plasma data exploitation and comparative studies: Application to the Martian, Terrestrial and Venusian environments
- Participation to Europlanet Na2- WG4 Kick-Off meeting at FMI, Helsinki, Finland, Oct. 28-29
Science presentation on the use of AMDA with VEX, MEX and Cassini data
- Presentation at the annual meeting of the Virtual Observatory Specific Action in France
Multi-wavelength Spectroscopy and Imaging of Giant Planet Auroral Emissions as a Diagnostic of their Magnetospheric Activity
- Response received (not funded) from the Euro-VO AIDA Research Initiative call
- Preparation of the PV09 conference (proceedings) at ESAC, Madrid, next December 2009
Combined utilization of CDPP/AMDA and Astronomy Virtual Observatory (VO) Tools: Multi-wavelength Spectroscopy and Imaging of Giant Planet Auroral Emissions as a Diagnostic of their Magnetospheric Activity
- Preparation of the next general IDIS meeting in Toulouse (Doodle poll and final selection of dates: January 27-29 2010)
IDIS SA bi-monthly report No.4: Report_IDIS-SA_4_2009.pdf
Plasma Node Report PM7-8 (July, August 2009): IWF and CDPP
- Preparation of the 2 proceedings for PV2009.
- Preparation of Plasma Node related presentations for EPSC 2009.
- Preparation of IDIS activities for EPSC.
- Presentation (poster) given at the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets conference, Cologne, July 2009:
- CDPP/AMDA, an interoperable web-based service usable for planetary plasma data exploitation and comparative studies: Application to the Saturnian environment and to the MAPSKP data.
- Preparation of a refereed paper for the ESLAB 09 special issue on "Comparative Planetology: Earth, Mars, Venus":
- An interoperable web-based service offered through the EuoPlaNet/IDIS Plasma Node usable for planetary plasma data exploitation and comparative studies: Application to the Martian, Terrestrial and Venusian environments.
- Internal Plasma Node Meetings at IWF: 17th and 25th August.
IDIS SA bi-monthly report No.3: Report_IDIS-SA_3_2009.pdf
Plasma Node Report PM5-6 (May, June 2009): IWF and CDPP
- 2 IDIS Plasma Node related abstracts submitted to PV2009:
- An interoperable architecture using the CDPP/AMDA service and the SPASE Data Model.
- Connecting the CDPP/AMDA service and IVOA tools: A Science Case. The HST Auroral Campaign Observations of Jupiter and Saturn.
- 4 IDIS Plasma Node related abstracts submitted for EPSC 2009:
- IDIS Plasma Node: structure, objectives and services offered to the community.
- JRA3 / EMDAF: Its cooperation and common tasks with IDIS (JRA4 / WP 25: Integrated and Distributed Information Service).
- A science case for IDIS: Giant planet auroral and radio emissions, Connecting the CDPP/AMDA service and IVOA tools in the future.
- Connecting CDPP/AMDA, an interoperable web-based service, to external data centers.
- 1 oral presentation during the Cassini C APS Team Meeting, June 2009.
- 1 abstract submitted to the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets conference, Cologne, July 2009:
- CDPP/AMDA, an interoperable web-based service usable for planetary plasma data exploitation and comparative studies: Application to the Saturnian environment and to the MAPSKP data
- 1 abstract submitted at the Sf2a meeting in Besancon, July 2009:
- Connecting the CDPP/AMDA service with planetary plasma data: Mars, Venus, Saturn (and comets)
- 1 abstract submitted to the Euro-VO call:
- Combined utilization of CDPP/AMDA and Astronomy Virtual Observatory (VO) Tools: Multi-wavelength Spectroscopy and Imaging of Giant Planet Auroral Emissions as a Diagnostic of their Magnetospheric Activity.
- Internal Plasma Node Meetings at IWF: March 30th, May 18th, June 8th and 22nd.
- Complete Re-Design of the Plasma Node homepage according to EuroPlaNet-RI Management Guidelines:
- Layout Conversion: Integration of a new TYPO3 template; new Style-Sheets and HTML entry page
- Content adjustment: New EuroPlaNet-RI, rename of VO-Paris to Planetary Dynamics Node, Integration of News & Events ticker, Integration of menu-separators.
IDIS SA bi-monthly report No.2: Report_IDIS-SA_2_2009.pdf
Plasma Node Report PM3-4 (March, April 2009): IWF and CDPP
- VEX-MAG Data fully available from 2006-04-24 to 2007-30-12 via AMDA.
- Integration of VEX-MAG data policy (rules of the road) at AMDA.
- First FP7 layout changes at web portal.
- New ?Plasma Node Team? section with listing of responsibilities.
- New web portal frontpage with indication of EU Grant.
- Integration of node?s responsibilities charting at the frontpage.
- AMDA-IDIS Web service package development and description. (ongoing)
- Setup of a local TWiki system at IWF for testing.
- Monthly Plasma node telecon on 17 April; next one on 18 May.
- 2 IDIS Plasma Node related abstracts submitted to PV2009.
- Preparation of 2 presentations on our AMDA/VEX-MAG IDIS activities (1 oral, 1 poster) at the conference on Comparative Planetology: Venus-Earth-Mars, ESTEC, 11-15 May 2009.
- Developement of the Final version of the Distributed Search Engine. We have installed an architecture (at the CESR) to simulate the distributed IDIS. Four Search Engines (one per thematic node) are installed on different web servers, each one with a Database containing resource descriptions relevant to the node. We have tested the remote search capability. This architecture is ready to be deployed to actual nodes.
IDIS SA bi-monthly report No.1: Report_IDIS-SA_1_2009.pdf
Plasma Node Report PM1-2 (January, February 2009): IWF and CDPP
- AMDA-IDIS Server online and testing phase
- Small periodic updates at the Plasma Node web portal
- IDIS-FP7 work plan generation
- Plasma Node FP7 kick-off meeting preparations
- IDIS Search Inventory Studies
- Continue the development of the distributed search engine and resource submission and update tool
- IWF Team meetings (26.1.09, 9.2.09, 5.3.09)
Overall Plasma Node Report (May 2007 - September 2008): IWF and CDPP
Plasma Node Report May 2008: Updates on homepage-platform at IWF:
- Science Case 3.1 Overview completely finished.
- Preperations for the 3 remaining Science Cases - Working groups announced internally - updates within next month.
- Transfer of all Node Resources to the Global Resource Inventory nearly finished
Development status at CDPP:
- a registry demonstrator which consists of an eXist database, populated with metadata describing Cassini Makskp datasets. These metadata are written in XML, according to version 1.2.1 of the SPASE model. This registry is searchable by a web interface.
- a science demonstrator with AMDA : an interface of web-services on the MAPSKP server . This interface (next step) will enable AMDA to ingest MAPSKP data, using the registry demonstrator.
Plasma Node Report April 2008: Face-lift of the homepage-platform at IWF including:
- Simplified Node Resource Inventory.
- More clearly arrangement of menus.
- Section dedicated to the 4 Science Cases (SC 3.1, SC 3.2, SC 3.3, SC 3.4).
- Complete new structure of Science Case 3.1 including General Description, Topics, Space- and Ground-based facilities with links to according resources.
- Updated contact list of Plasma Node.