By approaching as close as 48 solar radii, the Solar Orbiter will view the solar atmosphere with unprecedented spatial resolution. Over extended periods the Solar Orbiter will deliver images and data of the polar regions and the side of the Sun not visible from Earth. Solar Orbiter will coordinate its scientific mission with NASA's Solar Sentinels into the joint HELEX programme (Heliophysics Explorers) to maximise their combined science return.
- to determine in-situ the properties and dynamics of plasma, fields and particles in the near-Sun heliosphere
- to survey the fine detail of the Sun's magnetised atmosphere
- to identify the links between activity on the Sun's surface and the resulting evolution of the corona and inner heliosphere, using solar co-rotation passes
- to observe and characterise the Sun's polar regions and equatorial corona from high latitudes
Experiments: (In-situ)
- DPD Dust Particle Detectors
- EPD Energetic Particle Detectors
- NSWD Neutral Solar Wind Detector